The Rotary Club of
Centerville, OH
Chartered 1972
Rotary Club of Centerville - December 7, 2023
Centerville Rotary Meeting Highlights
Our Rotary theme for this month is
Disease Prevention and Treatment.
President Adam Manning welcomed everyone to the Centerville Rotary Club and led reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Brian Hayes provided the prayer.
Cody Terrell and Jeff Senney led singing of God Bless America.
Quote of the day: "It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.” By Moliere (French playwright and actor)
  • Thanks to our greeters today Dale Berry & Jeff Senney
  • Welcome to our returning guest Joanna Garcia.
  • Today is Pearl Harbor remembrance day where 2,403 Americans were killed, and 19 ships destroyed.
  • Dan Wilson took a leave of absence after heart surgery. Please keep him in your prayers.
  • Thanks to Brad Huffman and Amy Hary for attending the Youth Exchange program at Carillon Park. It was a great time!
  • The holiday party is next week, 6:30-8:30 pm at Yankee Trace. If you haven’t already RSVP’d, notify Kelly McDonald.
  • Thanks to everyone who donated for Foundation month.
  • The next Board Meeting is January 22, 5:30 pm, location TBD
  • January 17 is the next social at Rand Oliver’s house. Let him know if you can attend.
  • Thanks to those who generously donated to adopt 25 kids for Christmas.
Happy Bucks this quarter are going toward the Maui Fire/Disaster Relief fund. Pat Beckel was our Sergeant at Arms with help from Jim Stuart.
  • Pat Beckel announce the Heart of Centerville Christmas party this week saw $50,000 donated to local charities by generous businesses.
  • Ger Eastabrooks for the Heart of Centerville.
  • Carol Kennard for Dale Berry’s retirement and noted her Pennsylvania granddaughters said they wanted to glue her to the ceiling so she couldn’t leave :-)
  • Rand Oliver said “Beat Michigan, Go Horns!”
  • Jeff Senney for great family time at Thanksgiving.
  • Gina Smith announced her daughter moved into her own place and is now adulting, and congratulated Dale on his retirement.
  • Crissy Allums for Dale’s retirement.
  • Frank Perez said his grandson is coming in and they will get to babysit all night Friday.
  • Chuck King picked up the last of his leaves yesterday, and the truck came today to pick them up.
  • Boyd Preston invited all to take their leaves to Chuck’s house, congratulated Dale on his retirement, and in memory of Pearl Harbor.
  • Jim Harris for Dale’s retirement.
  • Sofie Ameloot celebrated daughter, Noë’s quarter century birthday, and is excited Marie-Thérèse is coming home from Belgium for Christmas.
  • Brad Huffman for the great event for youth exchange, Carillon Park is a great place to visit. They broke ground next to his house to build a new church.
  • Adam Manning said while he was raking leaves, the truck came by and two and guys jumped off the truck and helped him rake!
  • Bill Menker was in a Centerville Lifestyle story on Creativity Commons.
  • Harvey Smith had no money as his wife didn’t give him any and she’s not here today as she’s under the weather - get better, Elda! Pat Beckel then donated for Elda.
  • Dan Johnson missed a few meetings and congratulated Dale.
  • Wyatt Thorp for Dale, and noted his wife is the event planner at Meridian, who came home with a story of seeing someone wearing a topless with piercings shirt (Pat Beckel), and Wyatt passed his license on this day.
  • Dale Berry gave thanks to the Rotarians who came to his retirement party. They expected almost 100 visitors but stopped counting at 120. His daughter announced she plans on retiring next year. This evening is the start of Hanukah.
  • Brian Hayes said his daughter moves out to her own place next week, too.
  • Pat Turnbull got his deer quota so his freezer is full.
  • Bob Fry is happy to be back from Florida and gave congratulations to Dale.
  • Mike Weir note this Sunday at 3 pm the Ohio Valley British Brass Band will be performing at Christ United Methodist Church.
  • Don Stewart just returned from Naples, and his daughter Mallory graduated from OSU and is working her gap year in Jackson Hole on a ski lift.
  • Uriah Anderson congratulated Dale, noted they are hiring a new team manager, gave a shout out for the success of Creativity Commons and said he is making sailor hats for a family event there.
  • Jesse Campbell was sad for no farm report this week.
  • Ray Merz is leaving on January 6 to travel to Naples for 2.5 months, the19th year since he and Sue retired.
Our speaker today was Janet Smith, with the Ohio 529 College Advantage plan.
Janet Smith is a marketing professional at Ohio 529 College Advantage. She has degrees at Franklin University and OH University.
The Ohio 529 College Advantage is the 5th largest plan in the U.S., with over $15 billion under management. It is a State of Ohio agency under the Department of Education. Each state manages their own plan. They do not receive funding from the Department of Education but instead they contribute to the general operating funds.
The Ohio 529 Plan Is tax advantaged and tax parity - anyone can open any plan in any state, and regardless of which plan you pay into, you can get a tax benefit. There is a $4,000 limit tax credit and you can give up to $17,000, which is being increased to $18,000 in 2024. There is a $25 minimum for each deposit.
Janet said the Ohio 529 Plan has various investing opportunities and they offer banking products, too. They have a partnership with 5/3 Bank.
The purpose of the plan is to put away money for future education expenses including tuition, books, fees, equipment, and now can be used for an apprenticeship program approved by the U.S. Dept of Labor. Also private K-12 tuition with a $10,000/year cap and student loan repayment with a $10,000 lifetime payment cap.
The Roth IRA rollover option is new in 2024. This new tax-free distribution will allow any unused 529 funds to roll over to a Roth IRA for the same 529 beneficiary without incurring any penalty on the earnings.
What if they get a scholarship/grant? Can pull out the value of the scholarship, but would pay tax on interest earned on that amount. Rent (equivalent to published dorm rent), computers, cell phone, all qualify for withdrawals. They don’t ask for receipts but you are responsible to keep records in case of an audit.
Your investment advisor can help or there is a self-guided area on the website. Janet said they can come to the workplace to provide information in a Lunch and Learn program.
They have a 30 person staff and monitor a call center 1-800-affordit.
For more information, visit:
January 11 next meeting.
Next week we will meet in the evening instead of noon for The annual Christmas Party - Thursday, December 14, 6:30-8:30 pm at Yankee Trace. 
Please arrange for a sub if you are unable to greet on your assigned day or contact Jackie D'Aurora.
Dec. 14   Ger Eastabrooks/Frank Perez
Next noon meeting will be held on January 11, 2024. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season with family and friends!
Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Service Above Self
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
Golf Club at Yankee Trace
10000 Yankee Street
Centerville, OH 45458
United States of America
Join us any Thursday Noon-1 pm for lunch, camaraderie, and an interesting program!
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Bulletin Editor
Carol Kennard
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Sherre Wright
January 1
Sofie Ameloot
January 3
Boyd Preston
January 6
Jackie D'Aurora
January 15
Susan Schnell
January 22
Spouse Birthdays
Maureen Perez
January 14
Join Date
Dick Hoback
January 1, 1974
50 years
Frank Perez
January 1, 1999
25 years
Jen Gibbs
January 1, 2013
11 years
Socks Bowersock
January 1, 1997
27 years
Wayne Davis
January 1, 2012
12 years
Jeffrey Senney
January 5, 2004
20 years
Boyd Preston
January 9, 2014
10 years
Dan Johnson
January 17, 2013
11 years
Jan 22, 2024 5:30 PM
board meeting
Jan 25, 2024
Soche, Building the next generation of Daytonians
Feb 01, 2024
International Project: water pumps
Feb 08, 2024
The Dream Center
Feb 15, 2024
Golf Tournament
Feb 22, 2024
League of Women Voters
View entire list
Meeting Greeters
Please get a sub if you're unable to greet on your assigned day or contact Jackie D'Aurora!
Dec. 14   Ger Eastabrooks/ Frank Perez
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