President Adam Manning welcomed everyone to the Centerville Rotary Club and led reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Brian Hayes provided the prayer.
Today’s Quote: "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.” By Mahatma Gandhi
Thanks to our greeters today: Carol Kennard and Chuck King
Today’s guest was a guest of Pat Beckel - Kayleigh Clark with Girls on the Run Dayton.
Today’s announcements:
- Many prayers were sent to Sofie Ameloot on the passing of her mother last evening.
- Kristin Hutton is revamping our social media reach to become more visible to the community at large. Follow. Repost. Share. She will post about the speakers every week, and start a push for the golf outing.
- Thanks to Kelly McDonald for attending PETS.
- DG Doug Buchy sent an email to all Rotarians on how we can support the Ohio Tornado relief.
- Thanks to those who attended the Rotary Women's Soirée.
- Next Board meeting is Monday, March 25th at Woodbourne Library, beginning at 5:30 pm
- Crissy Allums needs 3 more volunteers for this Saturday 9:30-noon to help with packaging diapers for the Dayton Diaper Depot.
- Kelly McDonald mentioned he serves on Dayton Diaper Depot board and 96,000 diapers were donated to the Ohio tornado relief effort. Golf announcements - fliers are available to post at businesses and share with others. Registration is now open. Sponsorships can be paid for on Golf Genius this year. PDF copies available, too.
Happy Bucks this quarter are going toward the International Conflict Relief through the Red Cross/Red Crescent.
Pat Beckel was our Sergeant at Arms.
Happy Bucks were generously given for:
- Pat Beckel’s announcements: Summer Concert Series at St. Leonard’s this summer has a fantastic lineup including: June 9 Twist on Taylor (Taylor Swift tribute); June 14 Simply Queen (Queen tribute); July 7 Creedence Revived (Creedence Clearwater tribute); July 12 Jumpin’ Jack Flash (Rolling Stones tribute); Aug 9 Shawn Gerhard (Garth Brooks tribute). There are FREE to the public. Friday nights will have live music in Uptown. And, the City signed his son, Duncan to perform at Uptown, and he is recording his first album.
- Nick Hutton was happy to be here.
- Mike Wier was happy to live in Washington Township. The Fire Department came quickly when his wife needed them, and did a wonderful job.
- Andrea Share was happy.
- Brad Huffman had a procedure and all is good.
- Brad Thorp announced his son Brit got engaged this past week and will be moving back to OH next summer.
- Chuck King got a new driveway last week and tomorrow he’ll finally be able to drive on it again.
- Doc Hoback for his 84th birthday. Happy Birthday!
- Socks Bowersocks was happy his daughter got to rid herself of the hideous red tag (new member ribbon).
- Jim Harris was happy for Andrea and noted Kelly and Jim shared the golf announcement on Facebook.
- Jesse Campbell for Sofie.
- Kelly McDonald for the golf committee’s work.
- Uriah Anderson missed last week and had to leave early to help clean up the party going on at work.
- Frank Perez for his 17th birthday coming up ;-) Happy Birthday!
- Elda Gotos Gay was happy.
- Harvey Smith was sad for the school levy failing.
- Carol Kennard for Sofie, and for missing next week as she will be in South Padre Island,Texas looking for birds and trying to stay away from the spring breakers.
- Gina Smith said her happy bucks are sponsored by the farm report. :-) Her husband’s band is playing this Saturday at The Barrel in Springboro. Come for a good time, food, and classic rock!
- Lisa Goris-May for Sofie and to be here with everyone.
- Crissy Allums was happy for Duncan.
- Kristin Hutton is leaving for Disney on Saturday.
- Lee Hieronymus gave a park report instead of farm report: OH State Parks invite anyone to register and go to one of the State Parks during the eclipse on April 8. Camper spots and naturalist programs are available all weekend long.
- Ray Merz is back from 2.5 months in Florida (but forgot to bring back the warmer weather.)
- Rand Oliver missed 3 meetings.
- Adam Manning for Sofie and Duncan.
Our speaker today was Montgomery County Recorder, Stacey Benson-Taylor.
Stacey is a native Daytonian who has degrees from Sinclair, WSU, and University of Dayton. She previously worked for Delphi and the Public Defenders office, and started at the Recorder’s office in 2021, before serving as the Montgomery County Recorder.
Stacey shared she has been on a Rotary tour - taking her message on deed fraud to many different Rotary clubs.
She has been looking into exposing Deed Fraud but has some challenges as the statute doesn’t support all she wants to do. Most targeted: vacant properties, properties in the City of Dayton, people buying houses on Facebook Marketplace - where they don’t even know who is selling it. They may have stolen the house. It is considered a paper theft. They make a copy of your deed, forge your signature and sell your property.
It often goes unnoticed until you go to pay your taxes.
Education is Stacey’s first goal. Many people don’t know this is a problem.
If you paid off your mortgage, no one is looking for more paperwork from you, so you are very susceptible to theft.
The Recorder’s office has a fraud alert notification system - can register your property so you are notified if anything comes through their office. So far they have signed up close to 8,000 properties but still have many more that can be registered.
It is easy to get a Notary stamp over the Internet without any credentials. Stacey has seen documents with a fake Notary signature.
In January, her office started checking the Notary and rejecting deeds where Notary wasn’t valid. She is talking to legislatures to give her office more authority.
On March 1, the office started asking for ID. (Statute doesn’t require this!) It can be a representative, not event the person selling the property who comes in to record the property transfer.
Stacey is helping people be more proactive as this is a serious issue in Montgomery County .
If a house is stolen, she refers them to the prosecutor’s office and then provides a form (first piece of evidence) for you to fill out.
Montgomery County is #4 or #5 in cash property transactions in the country, which makes it hard to trace ownership.
Stacey wants to educate, inform, and figure out how we stop this.
The Recorder’s office can also provide Veterans ID cards and Estate planning forms. You can designate a beneficiary to your home.
Other counties have this program as well.
Visit to enroll in the FREE Fraud Alert Notification System. Once enrolled, you will be notified as soon as a document is recorded on your property.