The Rotary Club of
Centerville, OH
Chartered 1972
Rotary Club of Centerville - June 1, 2023
Centerville Rotary Meeting Highlights
Our Rotary theme for this month is
Rotary Fellowship
President Arnie Biondo welcomed everyone to the Centerville Rotary Club and led the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Ray Merz
provided the prayer.
This being the first meeting of the month, several Rotarians led the singing of God Bless America.
The quote of the day: "Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."   
Eleanor Roosevelt
Today’s Announcements:
  • Sofie Ameloot announced tomorrow is the deadline to sign up for the pool party. If no more sign up, we  may need to postpone to later in the summer.
  • Thanks to Bob Sachs and Sherre Wright for greeting today.
Bob Sachs has completed all of the new Rotary requirements so had the red ribbon removed today. Congrats, Bob!
Sofie Ameloot introduced one of the 2023 Rotary Scholarship Recipients, James Erwin, accompanied by his father Robert Erwin. She noted James is interested in computers and engineering, and has been accepted to the John Martinson Honors college at Purdue University.
James wholeheartedly deserved this scholarship. He had so many extracurricular activities, but one that at stood out for the committee was being on the Hope Squad, a suicide prevention program at the High School, with members chosen by their peers. Sofie said it was obvious his fellow students put a lot of trust in him. He was also a Care Team member at Cline Elementary School and an Elk Connector for freshman at CHS.
Sofie announced we give a book to each scholarship recipient and unfortunately, the book chosen for James is on back order. The book chosen for James is Format’s Last Theorem, by Simon Singh. The book tells the story of the search for the proof of a mathematical deduction, Fermat’s Last Theorem, which took until 1995 to prove. It is the first mathematics book to become a #1 bestseller with an accompanying documentary which won the BAFTA in 1997.
James thanked the club for the generous scholarship said he was excited to receive the book.
Other announcements:
  • Guests today were Robert Erwin (James’ father), and Kaycee Kennard, granddaughter of Carol Kennard who was an unofficial greeter full of giggles.
  • Annual District 6670 Dayton Dragons game is coming up on Saturday, August 5. Of the $14 ticket price, $7 goes to ending polio. See more information below.
  • June 15 is the new officer induction meeting at our regular time and place.
  • Kelly McDonald asked those who wrote thank you notes for our golf sponsors to return them to him for mailing.
Happy Bucks this quarter are going to East Palestine Rotary Club. Pat Beckel was our Sergeant at Arms.
Pat started by congratulating James Erwin on the great job with his  grades, interest in engineering, and good hair. He then shared what it means to be part of the Hope Squad. James was chosen by his classmates as the easiest person to talk to if they ever need help. James is compassionate, kind, and thoughtful of others.
Happy Bucks were given generously for:
  • Ger Eastabrooks for James Erwin.
  • Rand Oliver said he has been a Rotarian for 25 years, where he continues to grow. If anything he’s ever said or done has offended anyone, please reach out to him personally so he can make a change.
  • Don Overly for Bob getting the new member ribbon removed.
  • Chuck King for the good weather.
  • Ron Hollenbeck for something I couldn’t hear but I’m sure was memorable :-)
  • Sofie Ameloot for James.
  • Jeff Senney recently got back from Italy where they spent most of their money on wine. He recommends that trip to anyone.
  • Crissy Allums for James.
  • Bob Sachs for getting out of the Rotarian boot camp!
  • Harvey Smith for James, noting he stood out from the other recipients.
  • Elda Gotos-Gay was happy to be here and to see Sivaji Subramaniam.
  • Carol Kennard for granddaughter Kaycee, for James, and for Robert Erwin who started an environmental management track at CHS many years ago, and continues to partner with the Park District to help instill environmental responsibility and respect.
  • Kaycee Kennard was happy to be here and to be going to the pool after Rotary.
  • Boyd Preston was happy Kaycee was here, and for James representing Rotary’s ideals.
  • Dick Hoback for James.
  • Jim Harris for James, and noted it was an outstanding group of students this year.
  • Matt Kuhn was happy he will be home for almost a month.
  • Adam Manning for James.
  • Ray Merz for James and the Hope Squad.
  • Arnie Biondo gave thanks to everyone who has led singing at the first meeting of the month.
  • Lee Hieronymus for James and Hope Squad, and gave Harvey’s Crop Report - it’s too early in the growing season to be without water, the corn is starting to curl. 3 weeks without water and forecast is for another dry week. Harvey please pray for rain. And Ray, too.
  • Sofie Ameloot interjected the Belgium Crop Report - they have way too much rain and can’t plant potatoes!
  • Kelly McDonald for James, and noted the International Rotary Conference announced an emphasis on mental health this year, and Kelly is celebrating transitioning to a new job.
  • Lisa Goris May was out of town the last 3 weeks, gave congrats to James, and announced her friend, Andrea has turned in her membership application!
This week’s speakers were JoAnn and Doyle Key with Casseroles of Hope.
Doyle Key provided an overview of their program:
Casseroles of Hope was founded in
April 2022 by Doyle & JoAnn Key in Springboro/Clearcreek Township, OH.

Their mission is to build a community driven ministry made up of individual volunteers, businesses, churches, civic groups and organizations to help those that suffer from hunger.

An initial partnership was established with Hope House Mission in Middletown, OH in March of 2022 to provide casseroles to feed their residents in both their men's and women & children's shelters. Hope House is in partnership with City Gospel Mission in Cincinnati, OH.

In December of 2022 a second partnership was formed with Family Promise of Warren County in Lebanon, OH to provide casseroles to feed their residents.

In March of 2023 a third partnership was formed with the Missionary Society of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Middletown, OH.

Doyle said, “Our obligation as human beings to make sure no one is hungry.”
They used to do one day per month, but now do 6 days per month. The volunteers have grown from 2 to 207, and they have served 8300 meals so far.
Joann shared the Ministry Details
  • Prepare a casserole 4 times a year.
  • Easy Recipe provided.
  • Casseroles are prepared and frozen for ease of transport and enabling anyone to participate regardless of schedule.
  • Casseroles of Hope provides the scheduling, reminders and delivery to Hope House.
  • Volunteers drop casseroles to Soraya Farms, just north of Lytle Five Points on  State Route 48.
  • Pickup options are available for businesses, churches, civic groups and organizations.
Joann explained if you want to volunteer just go to the website and use the Contact Us feature. Joann will give you 4 dates and a recipe, along with disposable pans to use. When you drop off a casserole, you get a pan for the next time.
Take your casserole to work day - prep and freeze the casserole, and then Doyle will pick up from your business and deliver to shelters.
Youth groups can help prepare as the recipes are easy - ham and hash browns, cheeseburger macaroni, and more.
Lisa Goris May suggested they create an Amazon wish list for folks to donate.
Ger Eastabrooks is a volunteer and can share more info with club members.
For more information, visit
President Arnie thanked the Keys for sharing their information.
Next week’s greeters are Wayne Davis and Ram Nunna.
Next week’s program introduces more of the Rotary Scholarship Recipients.
Please arrange for a sub if you are unable to greet on your assigned day or contact Jackie D'Aurora.
June 8 = Wayne Davis and Ram Nunna
June 15 = Nick Cruz and Don Overly
June 22 = Robert Ford, Bob Sachs, and Sherre Wright
June 29 = Bob Fry and Boyd Preston
Improvements at Grant Park, McEwen entrance continue to move forward. 
Scholarship recipient, James Erwin brought a thank you note to today's meeting:
District 6670 Golf Outing
June is here and it’s time to start planning to attend the Rotary District 6670 Night at the Dragons at Day Air Ballpark. If you have been to a Dragons’ game before, you know how exciting they can be. If you have never attended a game, you will love the family-friendly atmosphere of the stadium, located in downtown Dayton.

We have reserved Saturday night, August 5, for our event and game time is 7:05 PM. Tickets will be just $14 and $7 from every ticket will be donated to the End Polio Now fund at The Rotary Foundation. You can use this link to purchase tickets: and pay for your tickets by credit card. Dragons’ tickets are virtual and tickets can be put right on your phone OR, for only $2, you can have all the tickets printed and mailed. See the attached flyer for more information. Order now for the best seats.

Frank, Doug, Dottie, Heidi and I are all looking forward to seeing you at the game on August 5. We will get a scoreboard mention during the game and have hundreds of cheering Rotarians in the stands. Feel free to bring friends and family. The more the merrier.

Play Ball!

DG Frank Scott
DGE Doug Buchy
DGN Dottie Meade
DGND Heidi Schiller
PDG Eric Marcus
Dayton Diaper Depot - hope you can support this fun raffle!
Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Service Above Self
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
Golf Club at Yankee Trace
10000 Yankee Street
Centerville, OH 45458
United States of America
Join us any Thursday Noon-1 pm for lunch, camaraderie, and an interesting program!
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Bulletin Editor
Carol Kennard
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Bob Fry
June 15
Matthew Kuhn
June 17
Donald K. Gerhardt
June 22
Carol Kennard
June 28
Chris Norman
June 28
Spouse Birthdays
Kate Huffman
June 4
Mindy Menker
June 5
Todd Marchand
June 22
Lisa Craft
June 24
Phyllis Gerhardt
June 27
Dick Hoback
Marilyn Hoback
June 16
Larry Marchand
Todd Marchand
June 16
Jim Stuart
Lauren Stuart
June 23
Chuck King
Elaine King
June 25
Donald K. Gerhardt
Phyllis Gerhardt
June 25
Raymond A. Merz
June 26
Boyd Preston
Deborah Preston
June 27
Don Stewart
Teri Stewart
June 28
Join Date
Michael Wier
June 1, 1981
42 years
Terry Hanauer
June 1, 2003
20 years
Bob Fry
June 8, 2005
18 years
Don Overly
June 13, 1972
51 years
Harvey B. Smith
June 13, 1972
51 years
Lee Hieronymus
June 13, 1972
51 years
Matthew Kuhn
June 30, 2004
19 years
Jun 22, 2023
Artemis Center
Jun 29, 2023
Wright Brothers: Then and Now
Jul 06, 2023
New President Babble
Jul 13, 2023
Golf Outing Recap
Jul 27, 2023
Library Fixit Clinics
View entire list
Meeting Greeters
Please get a sub if you're unable to greet on your assigned day or contact Jackie D'Aurora!
June 8 = Wayne Davis and Ram Nunna
June 15 = Nick Cruz and Don Overly
June 22 = Robert Ford, Bob Sachs and Sherre Wright
June 29 = Bob Fry and Boyd Preston
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