President Sofie Ameloot welcomed everyone to the Centerville Rotary Club and led reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. PDG Sivaji Subramaniam provided the prayer.
Today’s quote provided by Don Overly: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from God, which is why we call it the present." Bill Keans
Thanks to today’s greeters Sivaji Subramaniam and Frank Perez.
Today’s guest was Dee Snow, whose daughter did a short term Rotary exchange when they lived in Allentown PA. Now Dee is interested in joining Rotary (guest of Kristin Hutton.)
Today’s announcements:
- Vote for the new membership categories was approved.
- Virginia from El Puente last week brought 13 bags of coats to wash Elda, Lisa, Kelly, Jackie and Sofie all helped wash.
- Frank Perez shared the inaugural Rotary Coffee Club was a great success with 14 people in attendance. He gave thanks to all for attending, and especially for Carol K who walked there! The Coffee Club will meet the first Tuesday of every month, 7:30-8:30 am at ContempoRoast (next to The Famous.)
- Rotary Women Connect met this past week and will continue meeting the 2nd Thursday of the month, 5:30-7 pm at Old Scratch Pizza.
- Tonight is the District membership zoom meeting. Thanks to the 4 people from the club who will participate.
- Adam M asked that If you have any ideas on how to improve our Pancake Day fundraiser, let him know. Top ticket sale prizes will be announced at the Holiday party. Still tallying the final fundraising results.
Lisa Goris May reminded all of the upcoming service opportunities:
- Today - Dictionary/Thesaurus labeling after the meeting. Jackie is still looking for volunteers to help distribute to schools.
- Nov 19, 10 am-1 pm - Hannah’s Treasure Chest, cleaning toys
- Nov 19, 6-7:30 pm BOGG Ministry will be passing out food at Chevy Chase. Sign up on BOGG website.
- Adopt a Family program - children are available to adopt and provide $75 of gifts based on their wish lists. Gifts need to be dropped off on December 5. If you can’t shop, Lisa will shop for you.
- Dec 8 Amazon Wish List will be open for Shoes for the Shoeless. We will make sock donations.
President Ameloot said a host family for Enzyme is desperately needed. We don’t want to have to send her back home early. There is an opportunity to meet all of the District 6670 exchange students this Saturday at Carillon Park, 4-6 pm. Let Arnie know right away if you can attend.
Rotary Family Social at Hidden Valley Orchard, Nov 17, 3-5 pm - Plan to bring your kids/grandkids for a fun afternoon!
Rotary Holiday party at Yankee Trace, Dec 12, 6:30 pm. Sit down dinner and live music. Members will be billed for their regular lunch but no charge for their guest. RSVP to Crissy. This is in place of the noon meeting.
Other announcements - Brian Hayes said, “PAY YOUR BILL!”
Pat Beckel was our Sergeant at Arms with assistance by Brian Hayes.
Happy Bucks were generously given for:
- Dave T announced we will be planting trees Friday at Grant Park-McEwen Road entrance, 1-3 pm. The signage at Bill Yeck Park seed nursery should be installed soon.
- Bob D was happy the school levy passed.
- Socks was happy and smiling.
- Brad T announced last Saturday his son, Brit got married in Texas and they will be moving back to Centerville next spring. Also, his son, Isaac, who works for the Dept of Defense arranged for Brad to go up in a C-17 Globemaster III. They flew from WPAFB to Cincinnati to Athens to Cleveland to Toledo, to Columbus and back to WPAFB. It was a thrill of a lifetime!
- Lee H saw Dick H who is recovering and would like to come back to Rotary when he’s able. The Farm Report was about the Agriculture Triple crown - an Ohio Farm swept the National Holstein Show, winning the Junior Champion, Intermediate Champion & Senior Champion Holstein, who was also named the Grand Champion Holstein.
- Elda GG was happy.
- Harvey S performed the wedding ceremony for his youngest granddaughter; the bride was happy, so he was happy.
- Lisa GG reminded all to make sure your hoses are unhooked & drained to avoid freezing pipes and to change smoke detector batteries.
- Andrea S said her son rolled his car but he’s fine.
- Sofie A’s daughter, Delphine was home from college last weekend, and as part of a school project, she built a climbing wall with chicken wire and hodge podge.
- Jackie D thanked the volunteers who will help label dictionaries/Thesauri, and for Bob D being here today.
- Adam M said his girlfriend gets back this weekend and he expects to hear about all the chores he didn’t complete while she was gone.
- Kelly M was happy for all the good news within the club.
- Amy H said Enzyme spent the weekend with them and had a great time; her 9 year old daughter wore her out!
- Kristin H was happy.
- Uriah A just returned from the Ohio Parks & Recreation Association Leadership Summit where he heard from many great speakers. One great takeaway was, “Look at your job as a ‘get to’ job, not a ‘got to’ job.
- Carol K is traveling to PA for 2 weeks of family visits and nature exploration.
Our own Kelly McDonald was the speaker today, sharing about the Rotary International Headquarters.
Kelly shared he visited the Rotary World Headquarters in Evanston, IL, One Rotary Center. It is a working building but also has several displays and a Hall of Honor that recognizes major donors.The President spends about 25% of their Rotary year there and their family is provided a condo nearby during the President’s year.
Previous president, Gordon McInally has a display of items he received from around the world.
There is a recreated office where the first Rotary Club meeting took place and a Paul Harris statue where you can shake his hand.
One hands-on exhibit give you the chance to experience how heavy a 5-gallon bucket of water is (40 pounds). The average distance carried to provide for families is 12-13 miles in undeveloped areas.
People can share their thoughts on giving to the Rotary Foundation.
If you are not able to visit in person, there is a virtual tour on the website. And you can also attend a virtual meeting through the website.
Kelly then distributed a membership survey and asked all Rotarians to provide input to help guide the future direction of the club. The survey was emailed to all members after the meeting, so please take some time to complete it.
President Ameloot thanked Kelly and noted the Club received a letter from former member, Kitty Ullmer’s estate, noting she gave $5,000 to the Rotary Club of Centerville in her will.
Next week’s speaker, Mryia Williams will be here at 11 am to share more detailed information on Solar Neighbors United with the Environmental Committee.
The Centerville Rotary Board meeting will be held Monday, Nov 18, 5:30 p, at Woodbourne Library.
President Ameloot led reciting of the Four-Way Test and wished all a good week.