President Adam Manning welcomed everyone to the Centerville Rotary Club and led reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. PDG Harvey Smith provided the prayer.
Today’s quote: "Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money. It lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort" by Franklin Roosevelt
Greeters: Raj Grandhi & Dale Berry. Next week's greeters are Terry Hanauer & Don Stewart
- Happy 52nd birthday to Centerville Rotary. Club chartered on 6/13/72.
- Exchange student Marti is going back to Chile on June 14. Be at the Dayton Airport at 4 pm for send off.
- Service project on Saturday, June 15, 10-noon at Centerville Library, to sort eclipse glasses.
- Service project on Saturday, June 22, 7-noon Highway Cleanup. Would like to have 10-12 volunteers.
- For the 7/4/24 Americana parade, Sophie will be on Lee's firetruck. Others are encouraged to join.
- There will be a Centerville Rotary tent at the Americana Festival. There are volunteer opportunities to work at the tent, as well as to pour beer for a vendor.
- Sofie Ameloot said the Socials Committee is planning another event at Sueńo at the end of August. Does anyone want to open up their house in July or August for a social? Those are always well attended!
Happy Bucks this month will go to Dear Dinah, who provides a safe place for survivors of human trafficking and helps raise awareness by connecting a community of people who are devoted to protecting and empowering the Dinah's of the world.
Happy Bucks were generously given for:
- Pat Beckel - Son registered for Ohio State and went for orientation
- Gina Smith - For the firefighters who put out the fire at the hotel where she was staying
- Arnie Biondo - Happy that we had Marti here for 10 months
- Chuck King - His dog caught two moles on Wednesday
- Don - The Queen catalog is going on the market for an estimated $1 Billion. He got to the meeting a little earlier than usual and noticed that there were several others who got here just before him.
- Lee Hieronymus - Gave a rousing farm report.
- Uriah Anderson s- Going to Minnesota and Detroit. Will take in a Twins baseball game while in Minnesota.
- Dave Trout - Just happy.
- Kelly McDonald - Explosion at a Youngstown bank building. A public housing tower adjacent to the bank building that housed disabled and older people was declared to be an unsafe structure and the tenants had to be evacuated. The good news is that the community and several organizations came to support those who were displaced.
- Sox Bowersocks - For those people in Youngstown.
- Jim Stuart - Just happy.
- Erich Eggers - Got to sit next to Patrick. Misses racing his Tesla on I75. Got to play 18 holes of golf on Wednesday.
- Jesse Campbell - Happy to be here. Got some cigars from Patrick and gave them to some lawyers, so now they'll visit him.
- Elda Gotos Gay - She got to Marti's going away party just before it got over. Elda thought it started at 6 p.m., when it actually ended at 6 p.m.
- Jeff Senney - Our club now has an environmental committee. Dave Trout asked Jeff if the Park District had any environmental projects on their radar. Dave went to the recent Park District Board meeting and made a presentation that was well-received.
- Lisa Goris May - At the Americana parade, her office will have a big tent with chairs, water, restrooms, etc. Everyone is invited. There will be a couple of grills as prizes.
- Sofie Ameloot - Her daughter Delphine also went to orientation at Ohio State. She will be studying to become an architect, as well as to study French.
Our speaker today was Dan Edwards.
For over 40 years, Dan has been an accomplished voice-over artist, top-rated radio DJ and Emmy nominated TV anchor and reporter. He is a graduate of the Body Language Institute of Washington, D.C., making him one of the few master-certified professional developmental speakers in the country focusing on proven body language techniques. He has impacted a new generation of communication students as a former Adjunct Professor at the University of Dayton. Dan is the host of "A Greater Dayton with Dan Edwards", a biweekly podcast focusing on Dayton's unsung hometown heroes who inspire, entertain, and inform. Today, Dan is here to speak about the Montgomery County Clerk of Courts, where he supports the efforts of the Community Outreach Program
The presentation was mostly a series of videos of staff speaking about their respective work areas.
Montgomery County Clerk of Courts
Our Promise...
-To be good stewards of taxpayer dollars
-Use cutting-edge technology to create new opportunities
-Maintain peak efficiencies across all divisions
-Continue tradition of exceptional customer care and public service
Our Priorities...
-Maintaining eight convenient locations throughout Montgomery County
-Providing quality customer service with over 100 dedicated employees
-Efficiently maintaining a $15M budget